Frail Elderly Syndrome Nursing Diagnosis & Care Plan

Nursing Diagnosis Frail Elderly Syndrome Definition Frail Elderly Syndrome is defined as a dynamic state of unstable equilibrium that affects the older individual experiencing deterioration in one or more domain of health (physical, functional, psychological, or social) and leads to increased susceptibility to adverse health effects, in particular disability. Nanda Nursing Diagnosis Classification for Frail Elderly … Read more

Deficient Diversional Activity – Nursing Diagnosis & Care Plan

Deficient diversional activity: Nanda Nursing Diagnosis and Nursing Care Plan. Deficient diversional activity is a nursing diagnosis which is defined as the individual experiencing a diminished engagement or interest in recreational activities. It literally means that the individual in this state cannot perform particular activities necessary in their daily living. There are a lot of … Read more

Antibiotics For UTI: Urinary Tract Infection

Antibiotics For UTI Antibiotics for UTI include many types and generic names. The most commonly used antibiotics for UTI are: penicillins, Sulfonamides, Cephalosporins and Fluoroquinolones. Urinary tract infections also known as UTIs are a very common problem encountered by everyone in their lifetime, especially women. It was evidenced that one in three women will have … Read more

Types of nursing diagnosis

Definition of Nursing Diagnosis: Nursing diagnosis is the second step of the nursing process. It follows the assessment phase and consists of the Interpretation of assessment data and identification of the client’s strengths and problems. A nursing diagnosis is composed of three components: diagnostic Label (Problem), etiology (Related Factors And Risk Factors), and the defining Characteristics. Here are … Read more

Impaired Skin Integrity – Nursing Care Plan & Nursing Diagnosis

Nursing care plans: These are the important elements needed to make a nursing care plan for impaired skin integrity. This nursing care plan contains the basic elements that defines this Nanda nursing diagnosis and the nursing interventions that could be taken as a nurse to make a nursing care plan for a patient with this nursing diagnosis. Nursing … Read more

Nursing Diagnosis: Constipation

Nanda Nursing Diagnosis: Constipation Definition: Decrease in normal frequency of defecation accompanied by difficult or incomplete passage of stool and/or passage of excessively hard, dry stool. Defining Characteristics: Dry and hard feaces. Difficult passage of feaces. May be complete absence of peristaltic movements. Headache. General body weakness. Feeling of pain on stool passage. Color of … Read more

Risk For Bleeding Nursing Care Plan

Risk for Bleeding Risk for bleeding is a Nanda nursing diagnosis classified in the latest update of Nanda nursing diagnosis list 2015-2017 under domain 11: safety/protection, class 2: physical injury. Its nanda nursing diagnosis code is 00206. Definition: At risk for a decrease in blood volume that may compromise health. Related factors : Trauma Treatment regimen: … Read more